Thursday, July 17, 2014

Easy Tuna Bowl Recipe!

So the other day I made a tuna bowl :) 

I thought this would be a good opportunity to post a recipe! 
It's very simple, fresh, and delicious. 

  • Ready-made tuna sashimi: (you can find these at many Japanese markets. Their fish is made fresh to be made into sushi and sashimi, so i would recommend that. Any type of tuna will do. Also, i am obsessed with tuna.)
  • cilantro/chives (optional) 
  • baby tomatoes 
  • seaweed (stripped and cut into pieces) 
  • cooked sesame seeds 
  • japanese mayo sauce
  • ponzu sauce / soy sauce
  • sriracha hot sauce (recommended) 
  • This is a very simple and quick recipe. Anybody can do it with the right ingredients! Its a great healthy meal that can be done without any baking or much hassle :) 
  • FIRST: chop the tuna into small-medium sized cubes. cut them to your preference. :) The tuna may have to be rinsed beforehand, depending on what type you are buying. a sharper knife would make the cutting of the fish easier. 
  • SECOND: chop all the other ingredients, such as the cilantro, chives, seaweed, and tomatoes. cubes or sliced, however you like. 
  • THIRD: put all the ingredients into a medium-large bowl. i would start with the tuna, and then add the other toppings. Then, I would gradually mix in the liquid ingredients until the mixture held together. There is no specific amount of any to put in, and should be adjusted to your own tastes. but my guidelines will be listed below.
  • LAST: mis all together and chill. can be eaten then and there! :D 
  • BONUS STEP: Add a few fried wonton chips or just a crunch factor, and it'll add a whole new depth of flavor! I prefer it myself. put the tuna mix on the crunch and it makes a delicious appetizer! 
hot sauce: 1-2 tsp. 
ponzu/soy sauce: 1-2 tbsp.
japanese mayo: 1-2 tbsps. 
[it really depends on how much tuna you have and what you want.] 

-And here is the finished product! 
beautiful, huh?

It made a quick lunch and was pretty healthy as well. 
clean, oil free, and fresh. 

I hope this saved at least a few of you from a meal-time dilemma! 
Easy dish, anyone would like it. 

I found it delicious and easy. 

More to come soon! I hope you enjoy! ^^ 


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